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Friday, September 27 - Friday, October 25

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HHD Schedule 5785

A complete list of the
High Holy Day Service Schedule

High Holy Days Appeal​​​​​​

Our Kapparah Gelt: High Holy Days Appeal
strengthens all the operations of our Shul.
Please give generously!

Guest Registration Form

We are thrilled to have guests with us for
High Holy Day Services and programs.
 Please contact
with any questions.

Important Parking Information

 We are delighted to welcome everyone during the High Holy Days. For the safety and security of all, please follow the parking procedures listed below.

  • Please cooperate with parking attendants and traffic officers at all times.
  • The North Lot is for Accessible Parking only. All other cars should enter on the South side.
  • Please DO NOT park in the Accessible Parking Area unless you have an appropriate permit. If you don’t have a permit but have a handicapped person in your car, please drop that person off at the circle drive on the South side of the building and proceed to park on the North Lot.
  • We will NOT park on the baseball fields.
  • Please DO NOT block the fire lanes.
  • There is absolutely no parking at yellow curbs. These areas are for emergency vehicles only.

Important Name Tag Information


This year, we will be implementing the use of name tags for all our members during the High Holy Days. We hope this will create a sense of community and make our space even warmer and more welcoming. The name tags will also serve a dual purpose for security. The safety of our congregants remains at the forefront of our minds during this trying time. Along with officers onsite throughout the chaggim, these name tags will provide an additional level of security.

In a few weeks, all members in good standing will receive their name tags in the mail, along with your Kapparah Gelt: High Holy Days Appeal pledge card. Please bring these with you to Services on Rosh Hashanah I & II, Kol Nidrei, and Yom Kippur.

We can’t wait to welcome and greet you by name!

Register now for HHD Events!

This year, we have many exciting and **New** opportunities for our congregants during the High Holy Days.
The programs below require advanced registrations.
If you need assistance registering, please contact Tanya Spivey at 314-576-9990 x142 or email

Selichot - Friday, September 27 - Saturday September 28

For more details about the entire weekend, please click here

Rosh Hashanah - Thursday, October 3 - Friday October 4

No RSVP required!

No RSVP required!

Kever Avot - October 6

A time for a Memorial Prayer For Your Loved Ones At Their Graves

Please Note New Timing and Structure
You are invited as individuals, or as families, to recite the Memorial Prayer at your relative's gravesite where a member of our Klei Kodesh will join you.  Click the link below to sign up for a time slot at most St. Louis Jewish cemeteries to reserve a Klei Kodesh member to come to your graveside to be with you for Kever Avot and the Memorial Prayer.

For questions, please contact Gabrielle in the Klei Kodesh office at or 314-576-9990 x131. 

 Please click here to register!

Operation Isaiah - Our Annual Yom Kippur Food Drive

On Kol Nidrei & Yom Kippur, as we gather together in prayer, we ask each member of our Congregational family to bring food to Shul.

Please be sure to pick up your Trader Joe’s shopping bags from our Gallery on Rosh Hashanah for you to take home and fill. Then, return your bag on Kol Nidrei & Yom Kippur. This food will be distributed to the needy through The Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry. 

If needed, you may drop your bags in the circle drive prior to parking for Services and someone will be available help with your donations.

All Things Sukkot!


Order your Lulav and Etrog

Have your Lulav and Etrog delivered right to your door for Sukkot. Use the link below and B'nai Amoona will receive 10% of your purchase total.

Order by Rosh Hashanah to be sure to have your Lulav & Etrog in time for Sukkot! 

6:00 pm
RSVP by Oct. 8

 7:30 pm
RSVP by Oct. 14

This program is open to all adults at BA!

11:30 am 
RSVP by Oct. 14

5:45 pm

RSVP by Oct. 14

 11:45 am
RSVP by Oct. 15

Hazak is supported by a grant from Women's Auxiliary Foundation for Jewish Aged & the JCA Chartiable Foundation

7:00 pm
RSVP by Oct. 15

This program is supported by a grant from NJOP and Sukkot Across America. 

7:00 pm 
RSVP by Oct. 15

5:15 PM
RSVP by Oct. 15

Virtual Service Options

Digital Mahzor

Joining us from home?
Click this link for a digital PDF of the High Holy Day Mahzor.

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784