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B'nai Amoona's daily Minyanim will be held in-person or virtually on our BA Livestream

Being a Minyanaire is much more than just being counted in daily services at B'nai Amoona. Being a Minyanaire is being an integral part of the Jewish community:
It is a way of contributing to your fellow Jews. A traditional way to have a regular chat with God. A time to see old friends and make new ones. A way to know that you really do count at B'nai Amoona.

It's a time for learning.

Yes, we do have daily morning and evening Minyanim at B'nai Amoona." "Yes, we lead services at Delmar Gardens West on Friday afternoons."
"Yes, we can help you gather people to have a Shivah Minyan at your home.

As a Minyanaire you are recognized! Each Minyanaire receives a beautiful lapel pin or pendant which represents being the "TENTH PERSON." 

All you need to do is pick a day... morning or evening and commit to making a difference. Consider becoming part of this wonderful group of people!

For more information on how to sign up as a Minyanaire call the Shul office at 314-576-9990, or contact

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785