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The prayer experience at B’nai Amoona is traditional and accessible.  Our standard prayer language is Hebrew, and we strongly encourage praying from the heart, no matter ones familiarity with Hebrew.

We call pages from the Siddur Lev Shalem and Etz Hayim Chumash.   These publications of the Conservative Movement are the tools we use for communal prayer and study. 

Our Cantor sets the musical tone for The Service.  We mix traditional and well-known tunes with new ones.  Our ideal is for the entire congregation to participate in creating soul-elevating prayer through music.   You can learn some of our congregational melodies here.

During our full Torah reading, we often have the opportunity to celebrate special occasions.  We rejoice together as a congregation for special birthdays and anniversaries, upcoming weddings, trips to Israel and of course, B'nai Mitzvah.


Concurrent with the Torah reading, is an in depth discussion on the reading, led by a B’nai Amoona Rabbi.  We connect the ancient text to modern issues each week.

Our Services draws to a close with a sermon guiding us to deeper understandings of our texts of our lives.

Following The Service is a delicious Kiddush (meal).  We schmooze, and eat and enjoy the spirit of Shabbat!

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784