Friday, September 27
Erev Selichot
6:00 pm Shabbat Service- 7:00 pm
Featuring Cantor Nathanson & the BA Singers
6:45 pm Dinner
$36 - Adult
$15 - Teen
$10 - Age 12 & under
Reservations for the dinner have closed!
8:00 pm Teaching with Shira
To Imitate God or not to Imitate God? Rethinking Jewish ethics in a technological age.
Shabbat, September 28
Shabbat & Selichot
9:00 am Shabbat Morning Services & Kiddush
Intro to the Torah portion from Shira Billet relating the parsha to her work at JTS
6:00 pm Shabbat afternoon services & Seudah Shlishit teaching
Law as a Moral Force with Shira Billet
Havdalah & Break
8:00 pm Pre-Selichot Teaching
Polarization, Mistrust, and Teshuva: Civic Friendship in Jewish Thought and the High Holiday Liturgy with Shira Billet
For more details and to register, click here.
9:00 pm Desserts + Coffee
9:30 pm Selichot Services
The JTS Scholar in Residence Weekend is generously supported by the Morris & Fannie Jick Endowment